IMPORTANT: Please note that this software update should be installed ONLY on our 20MP Oak's Eye-2 Trail Cameras, and may cause issues if installed on our 14MP Foxelli Oak's Eye Trail Cameras.

If you are not sure which model you have, please refer to the picture of 20MP Foxelli Oak's Eye-2 Trail Camera below:

Please follow these instructions to update your Foxelli 20MP Trail Camera:

1. Download two *.bin files by clicking on the links below: 

Link 1: ISP_SD_1.bin

Link 2: Rom_Code_DL_5_FOKELLI_v30635A.bin

2. Copy these two *.bin files to an SD card (32GB max).

3. Insert the SD card into the camera (the camera must be OFF!).

4. Press the SHOT button, hold it and simultaneously turn the Operating mode switch to SETUP position.

5. LCD screen will start blinking red - this means that software update is in progress.

6. Once the LCD screen stops blinking red (approx. in 5-10 sec), turn the camera OFF. Software update is complete.

Please note that all settings will return to default.


Current version: JDL505 30635A / July 2019

NOTE: Due to missing codecs, default Windows Media Player will not support playback of the .AVI video files. We recommend installing a free VLC Media Player (you can download it HERE), or any other free media player that supports the .AVI format.


In case of any questions please contact us at


We wish you many great pictures and videos!